Mexico City uses recycled material to build boats, save trees

World Today

Around the world, recycling is considered one of the best options for saving the environment. Mexico City is now hoping it will also preserve a tradition that’s been around for hundreds of years. CCTV America’s Franc Contreras reports from Mexico’s capital.

For centuries, people have used boats to navigate the Aztec-era canals of Xochimilco in southern Mexico City. Trajineras, seen on the canals, are traditional wooden boats made from twenty trees until now.

Mexico City’s mayor announced a plan to start building these boats out of recycled plastic.

“Once built, these recycled plastic boats will last at least 100 years. We are talking about protecting hundreds of trees here in Xochimilco.” – Miguel Mancera, Mayor of Mexico City

So how do they do it?

Shampoo bottles, plastic grocery bags and water bottles are melted down and mixed with organic matter. The new plastic technology comes from Japan.

FUN FACT: Toyota Motors had a problem to solve, and it decided to use a mixture of plastic and volcanic sand to create the new material.